Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Iridize (v.)
(Maybe you'll guess this one right! I mean, it is sort of obvious)


Iridize (v.): to make iridescent

I really chose that word because I was just hanging out in my room and looking at this peacock ornament I got from Pier 1 Imports. I thought that it was so cool because there was an actual tail feather on it (btw, I've always loved peacock feathers, they're so SHINY!). So, I went to the Phrontisery and saw if they had anything with iridescent (because quetzals are also SHINY, just not as much). I wonder what it would be like to see a peacock in real life...

Today, I have two pictures. One is that one (see above), and one is this one (see below). This one is apparently the offspring of a white (not albino) peacock and a "normal" one. I think it's pretty cool.

I have a "sorta prompt" today. It goes something like this:

What would it be like to be half and half? To be partly shunned, part not? Half human, half bird? (I don't know, just take it wherever you want to). Just try to incorporate halves/wholes (again, whatever you want, if you don't like my ideas).

1 comment:

  1. I like iridize. I think you should find a poetry prompt for the word "icecple".
