Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ranunculaceous: of, like, or pertaining to buttercups

Okay. First of all, I want to apologize for not posting in FOREVER. I have been lazy and procrastinatory (if that really is a word). I will really try better this time!

Now...buttercups! Have you ever picked one and held it up to your chin to see if you like butter? That was one of the major staples of my summers in Princeton, going up to everyone to see if it was true. It was really just the reflection.... *sigh*

Prompt: I'm sorry, I don't really have one. :( More Next time!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


galimatias (gal-i-may-shi-us): gibberish, nonsense, a confused mixture of unrelated things

Do you ever wish that you had your own language? I don't know, maybe something that looked like that (--->)? I was just looking around on the Phrontistery and found this word. It's from the French apparently, and it sounds awesome. Wouldn't you just love to walk up to someone and tell them their ideas are galimatias? As the creator of the Phrontistery put it, "This very cordial-sounding word is extraordinarily useful in contexts where one wishes to inform someone that their ideas are bafflingly ridiculous and incoherent without seeming overly impolite. It combines the senses of 'incoherent' and 'ridiculous' into a unique and useful term." Plus, most often, people have no idea what it means! Yay!

Prompt: What could be hidden in the computer gibberish? A hidden message? A national secret? Or maybe it's from the aliens (yes, aliens, like in Ender's Game, which I'm reading right now...yay!), telling us the world is about to be destroyed...