Friday, July 9, 2010


holt: a woody hill or grove

Isn't that pretty? The person who took that picture used something with infra-red to make the trees white. (Sorry, I'm not photography expert...sadly)

Doesn't it just look like the trees are covered in down feathers? Actually, speaking of feathers, we watched the show Wipeout last night. One of the things the contestants had to do was run on a spinning wheel in footie pajamas while jumping over a spinning bar with evil sheep on it while people threw feathers, pillows, and stuffed animals at them. (Yes, it was just as crazy as it sounds). All to get $50,000! I think that would be fun.

So, yea. Prompt: What would it be like to live in a world where ordinary things were extraordinarily colored? What would it change? Describe a scene in this world, paying close attention to the different things.


  1. The sea was a choppy bowl of green split-pea soup, slopping over the rails of his boat.
